Space Clearing

Space Clearing

Sometimes a de-clutter isn't enough!

 I have been very lucky to be trained in Space Clearing using not only the Pendulum, but also my Healing and Clairvoyance gifts to remove energies, balance energies and introduce new frequencies to harmonise your home/office/building/land, for a healthy supportive and happy space.
De-cluttering is a great way to clear stagnant energy and freshen things up around a home, and yet sometimes it is not enough.
If you are interested in harmonising your home or business on an energetic level do get in touch to discuss.


'My home was a renovation and I wasn't sure what to do I felt negativity in the area and felt that some clearing might help so I can got in touch with Karen to see if she could help. My goodness the place feels fresh and lighter in some way, its difficult to explain but definitely worth trying. Thank you so much Karen you have definitely made a difference here.'
BO'R (Co. Clare Ireland)

Space Clearing Session - 60 mins

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